Our Journey to Israel

Welcome to our blog. We hope you enjoy traveling through Israel with us as we share our experience.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cat sitting on the table as we were shopping......they are all over the place!

Biggest purse I've ever seen!!

This one is for my BFF Cheri - it is on sale 50% off and is still $550 USD!!
Today started with a stretching class at 8:30 am.  I didn't realize I had so much that needed to be stretched!  Lisa and I then took a nice long walk to Carmel Market and did some shopping...........finally!  Real shopping, not just looking.  We both bought several things for our new apartments we don't have yet.  Carmel Market is like a flea market, very similar to Soulard in St. Louis.  But they also have local artists on Tuesdays and Fridays.  One of the artists does ceramic stuff for the kitchen and bathroom that I loved; saw here stuff the first time I was there and could not stop thinking about it.  So today I bought stuff for my new bathroom (again, the one I don't have yet)!!  Then I just bought some every day stuff for the kitchen, nothing fancy but hopefully it will last 2 to 4 years..........garlic press, lemon juicer, cutting boards, salad bowl set with matching pitcher, pizza cutter, potato peeler, can opener, etc.  I've got to do this a little at a time as it gets very overwhelming!!

Lisa and I finally found a place for a nice pedicure.  It took almost 2 hours but it was worth it.  We didn't get back to the hotel till after 6 (we left at 11.....did lots of walking!).  Roly and I just had dinner in the lounge then dessert with Lisa and Chuck in the lobby.  Then went to Chuck and Lisa's room to watch the Superbowl.  They guys could not make it past half time so hopefully we will finish it tomorrow.  It is taking all I have not to see who won yet and I warn everyone from the states not to tell me.  GO PACKERS!!!

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