WOW what a day! I got up around 7:30 am, had breakfast around 9 and left the hotel by taxi with Lisa and Sheri headed to Jaffa. They have a free tour in Jaffa, a lady that shows you around, tells you about Jaffa, all the history and culture, etc. However, upon our arrival in Jaffa, all we saw were military people EVERYWHERE, helicopters and lots of guns. From what one person (with a large camera) said, there was going to be a "march". Lisa and I decided immediately we would NOT stay around for the "march" (protest is what we were thinking) so we left. We did walk because we didn't want to wait for a taxi. We ended up going to Carmel Market. So glad we did!! Since it was Wednesday (Tuesday and Friday is VERY busy due to the local crafters) we really got to take our time and look at all the stands. It is amazing how big that place is. We found some wonderful fruit, veggie and meat stands we can't wait to try.
We then headed back to Hilton. My Lord I had no idea it was that far. I've never walked that much in one day in my life!! It was a truly beautiful day and we did enjoy the walk. I kept thinking "taxi" but I pushed on and walked the entire way. We watched a guy "walking" along the beach doing karate kicking. I was laughing so was so funny!
We decided that when we got back we would go to the beach (for the first time!!). Of course we came upon an ice cream stand and realized that would make the rest of the walk so much faster. I had Creme Brulee.........YUMMY!
Got back to the hotel around 1 and headed to the beach. We had to pay 12 NIS (about $3.50) for a lounge chair but it was totally worth it. The view was wonderful and I got TONS of sun (maybe a little too much). Lots of kids paying this game on the beach; they use two extra large ping pong paddles and a small rubber ball and just hit it back and forth kinda like tennis. It looked really cool and we found out it is very popular here. Then we saw the true sight of the day..........this guy (about 35ish??) walks to the water IN HIS UNDERWEAR!! I about died laughing. Then he lays down on the sand in front of everyone. Then gets up, walks towards us and winds up laying down in the sand again and just stares at these other two young girls for about 20 mins. He had glasses with those clip on sun glass things and he flipped the sun glass part up so you could totally tell he was just staring at these girls. By this time he has his white dress shirt on too; along with his dress shoes. He was also carrying two plastic bags. The he pulls out a carton of milk and starts drinking it. I totally lost it then. I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair!! Maybe you had to be there, but it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen!!
Now I'm back in the room waiting for my husband............wonder where dinner will be tonight?
What a sight!! |